Facial treatments Warsaw - the best selection

Customer Testimonials
Facial treatments woman warsaw
Why you should use our services:
  • Satisfaction guaranteed – we promise that the treatments will be performed professionally. The results of our work will be visible after the first treatment. We slow the aging process down and offer special promotions, package treatments etc.
  • You will receive a free consultation with our cosmetologist – During the meeting we will examine your complexion and present an action plan, we will choose cosmetics individually.
  • Real results of our work – below you can see the effects of our work before and after.

Care treatments and facial therapies will help you rejuvenate the skin, get rid of problems with complexion and bring you to a state of relaxation! We offer therapeutic and beauty treatments.

If you struggle with:

  • acne in various forms
  • blackheads
  • too much sebum
  • erythema and dilated capillaries
  • hyperreactivity
  • dryness and dehydration of the skin
  • circles and puffiness around the eyes
  • wrinkles
  • loss of firmness and density of the skin
  • gray and muddy complexion

we offer treatments using medical acids: highly effective care procedures.

How many treatments should be performed?

Treatments should be carried out in a series of 5-10 at intervals of one week to two. In order to maintain the effects achieved after the treatment, we recommend “reminding” treatments once a month or two, depending on the type of used treatment.


Most procedures are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, people treated with oral antiacne drugs (retinoids and tetracyclines). Fortunately, there are some treatments that we can safely perform in these cases to improve the condition of the skin and the comfort of patients.

In Healthy Beauty, our therapies and home care are selected individually. We educate and teach our patients about the principles of daily skin care so that they can enjoy their good condition and young appearance as long as possible. We offer year-round treatment programs to solve existing problems and prevent the appearing of new ones. Prevention is the most important rule!
