Classic massage

  1. Massage
  2. Classic massage

Classic massage aka Swedish massage, is the most popular kind of massage. It affects your well-being positively, removes fatigue, reduces muscle tension & prevents fibrosis. Thanks to the professionalists using the appropriate grips, it stimulates the circulatory system, helps getting rid of harmful metabolic products from the body, strengthens and makes the muscles, tendons & joints more flexible. Classic massage also quickens regeneration and eliminates the negative effects of stress. Used regularly, it prevents skin aging and flabbiness, firms the muscles and improves health, it becomes an inseparable part of a healthy lifestyle.

Depending on your needs, classic massage can be a whole body massage or focus on the selected parts. In the case of afflictions, classical therapeutic massage is used.

What are the benefits of a classic massage?

  • improving mood and health,
  • reducing stress & helping with insomnia, headaches, neuralgia,
  • minimizing excessive muscle tension
  • decreasing fatigue
  • improves skin condition by firming and rejuvenating it

When to use a classic massage?

  • when you experience tiredness & tense muscles,
  • when having back problems
  • with a sedentary lifestyle and very little physical activity
  • when living a stressful, fast-paced life
  • when having difficulties with falling asleep.

Classic massage in a package of up to 5 sessions – 10% cheaper, above 5 sessions – 15% cheaper!
